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"The difference between a good and a bad day is what you focus on"

Welcome: Quote

Not Another Coaching Company is not just another coaching and training company. "The world does not need another coach", for the longest time, this was my response to people around me who were encouraging me to start my own practice. I decided that if I do, it is not going to be just another coaching company. It is a life-changing coaching company.

My name is Khawla Shehadeh, I am in my 40s and what I have to offer to you as a coach and trainer is special for several reasons. Firstly, due to the unconventional path that my own life has led me on: An intensive meditation training at a young age, a year of silent solitary retreat, my (Palestinian/Dutch) background, my philosophical and spiritual pursuits combined with my grounded, pragmatic, light and humoristic character.

I offer workshops and trainings in Mindfulness, but not just any mindfulness. It is the highest quality of the classic Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program from Jon Kabat-Zinn. The most scientifically researched and acknowledged meditation form in the world. In my workshops MBSR is combined with a deep-rooted personal knowledge and experience in the thousands of years old tradition of Buddhist meditation. The origins of where all mindfulness meditation began.

My second specialty is in Compassionate Communication (Non-Violent Communication) from Marshall Rosenberg. A model so simple, so pure and yet so revolutionary. It is utterly transformative and liberating. It brings us back to the basics of communication which is connection. We all long for connection and yet we lose this when we think, speak and listen in terms of guilt, shame, judgement, accusation, oppression, submission. We lose the connection to ourselves and thereby to others. Compassionate Communication restores your birthright to true freedom and helps you connect to the underlying feelings and needs to everything you do, say or hear and that of others. It is essential in recovering the key to your own happiness and wellbeing and in building and restoring relationships to others. 

From these two perspectives and methods I also offer personal coaching so to work on your own mission or a current challenge that you are facing such as restoring connection with yourself, breaking unhealthy patterns regarding stress and overload, important life-decisions. 

Calendar 2023-2024

  • 11 May 2024, 09:30 – 17:00
    Den Haag, Rooseboomstraat, Den Haag, Netherlands
    Dit is een ééndaagse basistraining alle beginselen van Verbindende Communicatie, ook wel Geweldloze Communicatie genoemd. Een speelse en interactieve training met veel oefengelegenheid. Bouw aan betere relaties door te communiceren vanuit het hart.
  • 15 May 2024, 19:15 – 21:45
    Den Haag, Rooseboomstraat, Den Haag, Netherlands
    Stress is alom aanwezig in ons leven maar nergens leren wij hoe op een gezonde manier ermee om te gaan. Stress kan een motivator zijn maar te lang en te veel stress kan klachten geven. Met mindfulness leer je hoe meer kalmte, helderheid en focus kunt inbrengen, ook op stressvolle momenten.
  • 20 May 2024, 10:00 – 16:00
    Den Haag, Rooseboomstraat, Den Haag, Netherlands
    A silent retreat day full of guided mindfulness meditations. It is a day to simply unwind and reconnect with yourself, to deepen your meditation and gain new insights. This day can be hugely supportive if you are facing a dilemma or looking for direction on the next steps in your life.
  • 04 Jun 2024, 19:30 – 21:00
    Den Haag, Rooseboomstraat, Den Haag, Netherlands
    Je wilt graag regelmatig mindfulness meditatie oefenen om tot rust te komen en diepe ontspanning te integreren in je leven, maar in je eentje komt het er vaak niet van? Dan is deze dinsdagavond meditatie avond wat voor jou!
  • 16 Jun 2024, 10:00 – 16:00
    Den Haag, Rooseboomstraat, Den Haag, Netherlands
    Een stiltedag vol begeleide mindfulness meditaties. Het is een dag om simpelweg tot rust te komen, je meditatie verdieping te bieden en tot nieuwe inzichten te komen. Deze dag kan enorm ondersteunend zijn als je met een dilemma zit of als je richting zoekt over de volgende stappen in je leven.
  • 30 Jun 2024, 09:30 – 17:00
    Den Haag, Rooseboomstraat, Den Haag, Netherlands
    Dit is een ééndaagse basistraining in de beginselen van Verbindende Communicatie, ook wel Geweldloze Communicatie genoemd. Een speelse en interactieve training met veel oefengelegenheid. Bouw aan betere relaties door te communiceren vanuit het hart.
  • 31 Aug 2024, 10:00 – 01 Sept 2024, 15:00
    Den Haag, Rooseboomstraat, Den Haag, Netherlands
    A great city weekend retreat where you sleep at home but spend two days enjoying the restoring power of silence in combination with mindfulness meditation practices. It is for anyone seeking deep relaxation, calmness and clarity of mind at the lowest threshold possible, this is a great opportunity!
  • 05 Sept 2024, 19:15 – 21:45
    Den Haag, Rooseboomstraat, Den Haag, Netherlands
    Stress is alom aanwezig in ons leven maar nergens leren wij hoe op een gezonde manier ermee om te gaan. Stress kan een motivator zijn maar te lang en te veel stress kan klachten geven. Met mindfulness leer je hoe meer kalmte, helderheid en focus kunt inbrengen, ook op stressvolle momenten.
  • 15 Sept 2024, 09:30 – 17:00
    Den Haag, Rooseboomstraat, Den Haag, Netherlands
    Dit is een ééndaagse basistraining in de beginselen van Verbindende Communicatie, ook wel Geweldloze Communicatie genoemd. Een speelse en interactieve training met veel oefengelegenheid. Bouw aan betere relaties door te communiceren vanuit het hart.
  • 30 Oct 2024, 19:15 – 21:45
    Den Haag, Rooseboomstraat, Den Haag, Netherlands
    We cannot avoid stress, nor do we need to. Stress is necessary to achieve our ambitions, it makes us sharp and can help us to get into action. Too much stress with too little recovery, however, can become a problem. With mindfulness, you learn to be more aware and comfortable when stressed.
  • 09 Nov 2024, 10:00 – 16:00
    Den Haag, Rooseboomstraat, Den Haag, Netherlands
    A silent retreat day full of guided mindfulness meditations. This day can be hugely supportive if you are facing a dilemma or looking for direction on the next steps in your life. However, it can also be a day to simply unwind and deepen your meditation.


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